Why Is Drinking Water So Important?
It only seems right that one this scorching hot day my blog be about water! Remember the Bodystat reading on my last blog? It showed how...
You're NOT Going to Believe This...
The Scales Actually Do Lie! In general we have been programmed to only care about what the scales say. You see this isn't always the most...
Why FAD diets don't work...
This might not be what you want to hear but FAD diets do not work. In fact, in more cases than not, they make it worse. Ok you've...
I had to have my dress taken in 3 times!
In Dec 2011 I weighed in at 12st 4 and I didn't fit into my wedding dress. For 9 months I plodded along at the gym 5/6 times a week on my...
I changed my shape, improved my health & brought my cholesterol down...
It was in the January of 2003 that I stopped doing the Atkins Diet and there'll be no surprises here but the weight came straight back...
I lost 2.5st but my Cholesterol ​level went through the roof…
So this has taken me a little longer than intended to get round to writing so thank you for baring with me! See that's what can happen,...